It's a true study in humanities. You have your high-dollar rigs, like mom and dad's, and you have everybody else.
The big rigs usually have a nice screen porch with chairs, tables and a little sign out front announcing their name and where they're from. They are often out walking their teacup doggies.
Everyone else is the middle-class set, and it appears that they travel with no less than 10 to 15 to a trailer. It should be noted, however, that even the trailers aren't cheap. You can't even get a small pop-up for less than $4K, and most pull-behind campers are in the $15K an up range. I guess if everyone pitches in together...
Anyway, most have set up elaborate campsites complete with decorative lights, camp chairs, screened porches, makeshift kitchen set ups, and fake flower arrangements. The adults are usually slung back in one of the camp chairs zoning or people watching... I suspect
that most are trying to take their mind off of a factory job they left behind for the week.
The kids, on the otherhand, are busy. If they aren't in the pool or running in and out of their camper, they are riding their bicycles, round and round the campground. They also love a campfire, especially if there are marshmallows and sticks around.
Clothing is optional. If you've ever been to Emerald Pointe Water Park, you know what I'm talking about. Lots of cleavage and tattoos that most of us would rather not see. Not even a hormonal teenage boy would enjoy some of the skin we have seen. Ladies, keep it under wraps, please!!

Awww heck. We're rednecks, aren't we? Friends, I'm sure you've been afraid to tell us all this time, and we surely appreciate it, but from the looks of our dirty, beat-up kids with stringy hair, riding their bicycles around the campsite and playing with fire, we are just one string of tacky lights away from fitting right in.