Ahhh, I can just hear my high school principal saying it now: "Spring is here, and the sap's a risin'." He was talking about all the young love in the hallways.
It has started early at our house... 5 going on 6 to be exact. Only my son is not the one in love; it's a four-year-old girl in the class next door. Claudia is a cute blonde-headed girl who --according to her mom -- talks incessently about Cameron at home and to her friends, but becomes shy when he actually talks to her. The whole thing is adorable.
When Cameron was an infant, I thought he was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen. I wrote in his baby book that I felt certain some day he would be a favorite of the ladies, and evidently I'm right. He's had at least five proposals of marriage, with young girls fighting over him since he was 3 1/2 years old. He didn't even know what marriage was!
After declaring love for a girl named Erin in 4-year-old preschool, he thought he'd found the right one until she decided she would marry her brother. Deep in despair, he shrugged his shoulders and cried, "Mommy, who am I going to marry now???"
It was at this point that I sat him down and had a talk about this whole marriage thing. "You really don't have to worry about this for a long time," I said, "like maybe age 26, 27...you probably won't even meet the girl you'll marry until you're all grown up, so don't worry about it. Play the field! Just be gentle with the hearts of your lady friends, which at this age means refrain from sticking out your tongue when she smiles at you and don't tell all of your friends that she's yucky."
I'm sure half of that went over his head, but he didn't have to worry about his love life... until Claudia.
Cameron has always played with girls... he has a sister... so girls don't gross him out. Maybe that's why they like him... because he's nice to them... humors them... so we used the same tactic on our gal Claudia. Today Cameron brought her some yellow daffodils for friendship, and since Cameron clammed up upon presentation, I explained to Claudia how much Cameron appreciates her praying for him at night (he needs all he can get) and for her special attention. He has promised me that he will continue to smile and be nice when she smiles at him, not to crush her tender heart, because little girls need to feel special and know that boys can be gentlemen, even with dirt under their nails and who knows what in their pockets...
Ahhh, if it were only this easy over the coming years...
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